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Wine Tasting

Wine Affair

Experience Irya's Culinary and Wine Fusion—an elegant celebration that expertly pairs fine wines with delectable cuisine. Join us for an evening where each sip of wine complements every flavorful bite, harmonizing tradition and modernity. Elevate your senses as you savor these thoughtfully curated pairings. Welcome to an event that beautifully unites wine and food, creating an enjoyable and memorable experience that reflects the art of sophisticated indulgence.

Previously Hosted Wine Affairs

20th july 2023

Amnesia, Jubilee Hills.

20th july 2023 | 8 pm

20th jan 2023

F House, Makau.

20th jan 2023 | 8 pm

20th dec 2022

Monestry, Cock N Bill and Sip Of Sky

20th dec 2022 | 8 pm

Make Your Wineouting

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